
how many weeks in a year

  Human beings are governed by the calendar which is full of weeks, generally it has 365 days. Unless it is a leap year that has an extra day, that is, the year lasts 366 days. A year is made up of months, these in turn for weeks and these for days. Generally a month can be between 4 to 5 weeks. This is because the months have between  30 or 31 days , except for February which has 27 days and during the leap year it has 28 days. We already know the months and days that a year can have, however, it is important to know how many weeks in a year can have. The first thing to know is that these  have 7 days , these are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. To calculate how many weeks in a year has is very easy, the first thing to do is divide the number of days that the year has by the number of days it has.